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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 12, Issue 2, pp. 231-468

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A Constructive Method for Numerically Computing Conformal Mappings for Gearlike Domains

Kent Pearce

pp. 231-246

Parallel Algorithms for the Numerical Solution of Incompressible Finite Elasticity Problems

Michael Schäfer

pp. 247-259

Diagnosing Stiffness for Runge–Kutta Methods

Lawrence F. Shampine

pp. 260-272

Computational Use of Group Theory in Bifurcation Analysis of Symmetric Structures

Kazuo Murota and Kiyohiro Ikeda

pp. 273-297

Fast Cell-Structured Algorithm for Digit Reversal of Arbitrary Length

Vítezslav Veselý

pp. 298-310

Detection, Classification, and Measurement of Discontinuities

David Lee

pp. 311-341

Regularized Solutions to the Aerosol Data Inversion Problem

J. Kenneth Wolfenbarger and John H. Seinfeld

pp. 342-361

A Modified Prony Algorithm for Fitting Functions Defined by Difference Equations

M. R. Osborne and G. K. Smyth

pp. 362-382

Minimizing GCV/GML Scores with Multiple Smoothing Parameters via the Newton Method

Chong Gu and Grace Wahba

pp. 383-398

A Comparison of some Numerical Conformal Mapping Methods for Exterior Regions

Thomas K. DeLillo and Alan R. Elcrat

pp. 399-422

Algorithms for Special Tridiagonal Systems

Ronald F. Boisvert

pp. 423-442

Approximation of Integrals for Boundary Element Methods

Kurt Georg

pp. 443-453

A Discrete Variational Grid Generation Method

José E. Castillo

pp. 454-468